Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Day 31 - For the Benefit of Mr. Kite....

There will be a show tonight!
Okay, not really - the seats haven't arrived yet!

Well, here we are...a few shots of the theatre
and an idea of how the new TV looks.
Animation is the best way to show off a TV
and "Shark Tale" was on while shooting!

We can't wait until the seats arrive!

Just another picture with the overheads on.

This is the rack in the studio with all the theatre
and studio components installed.

WOW! This looks like a mess but Dave says
this is really a great installation.
What do I know?

Missing seats!

It's hard to leave!

Okay, go upstairs!


This is the 43" plasma we installed in the Master Bedroom.
Told you the cord and telephones would disappear!
It's like having your own personal drive-in.
Keep your minds out of the gutter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, the place looks great, looks like we have to come up and check things out in person soonmer or later, love you guys.

Peace out,

7:44 PM  

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